
Visit our showroom! 140 Progress Drive, Manchester, CT Mon – Thurs: 8:30am – 5pm I Fri: 8:30am – 4pm I Sat: 10am – 2pm

Why Choose Pre-owned Office Furniture

Subtitle: Save Money and the Environment While Still Getting Top Quality Introduction: When it comes to furnishing your office space, there are many options to consider. One of the most cost effective and environmentally friendly choices is pre-owned office furniture. Transfer Enterprises offers a wide selection of top-quality pre-owned furniture that is perfect for small,… Continue reading Why Choose Pre-owned Office Furniture

News Channel 3 Segment

A HUGE “Thank you” to Channel 3 for visiting our showroom! Let us help you transition your employees back to the office. All design services are free. We have a multitude of options to help create social distancing in your office! Video Segment of Transfer Enterprises

SIT Responsibly: Best Sustainable and Ergonomic Office Chairs to Buy in 2020

An estimated 9 billion tons of furniture is dumped in landfills every year. The leading manufacturers in office furniture products have worked to lessen the environmental impact of discarded office furniture by focusing on sustainable, recyclable designs and manufacturing practices. In 2002, William McDonough and Dr. Michael Braungart published the book Cradle to Cradle, Remaking… Continue reading SIT Responsibly: Best Sustainable and Ergonomic Office Chairs to Buy in 2020

A Step-By-Step Guide to Cubicle Design

Ready to hire on more staff? Expanding to a new office space? Ordering cubicles can be a stressful and confusing process. This step-by-step guide offers easy to follow directions to starting an office space plan design. Avoid common mistakes and learn ways to save money and stay within budget. This simple process to cubicle ordering… Continue reading A Step-By-Step Guide to Cubicle Design

Preowned Furniture Is Preapproved Furniture

The Debunking of Used Office Furniture Myths By Alyssa Jones ajones@tedesk.com It’s time to purchase office furniture. Where do you start? There are numerous retailers to choose from and the process can seem overwhelming. New retail prices on office furniture are high and ,000.00 desks don’t fit into your budget. You can find other, new,… Continue reading Preowned Furniture Is Preapproved Furniture